Two medium size plants seen through window grilles. A snake plant is made out of black and white plaid linen. The fig leaf tree is made from two contrasting patterned linens; the leaves are blue and white, and the trunk is black and white gingham.
Two different types of snake plants made out of contrasting plaid linen fabrics.
Potted fig leaf plant. Top of leaves are plaid linen and bottom is indigo linen fabric. Trunk is gingham linen and plot is plaid linen.
Two pots made from two different pattern linens rest on the fire escape. A whimsical, bendy snake plant rises in the background while the pot in the foreground is filled with seeds and soil.
Four pots made out of different plaids and gingham pattern linen fabric. Three different linen potted plants are made out of contrasting pattern fabric. Third pot from left only has soil in it.
Whimsical, thin leafed snake potted plant made out of blue and white plaid linen. Pot is black and white linen.

Memorialized in their growth (installation detail), 2022; linen, cotton, interfacing, metal wire; 43 in x 39 in x 32 in